• NHPS promises better supervision of snow-removal contractors after numerous “failed” plow jobs. • Contractor agrees with critique, blames district for late calls, and asks to be able to work with custodians union again. Maya McFadden reports.
Maya McFadden
| Feb 21, 2025 11:28 am
| Comments (6)
Maya McFadden Photos
East Rock seventh grader Jeryl searches for frog's large intestines...
...while others check out the frog's tongue and teeth.
East Rock School seventh graders Leia and Lesly suited up in gloves and eye protection to pierce through the unexpectedly tough skin of a frog — and discover, through hands-on education, what a real three-lobed liver looks like.
... which LCI's Taylor Munroe said has been the subject of neighbor and SeeClickFix complaints.
Wynter and two fellow Ocean Management workers hauled a mattress, a bicycle, two shopping carts, a frying pan, a wicker chair, a pile of clothes, and a host of other belongings and debris from a Dixwell Avenue homeless encampment Thursday and into the back of a U‑Haul.
The truck was parked on the sidewalk in front of the decrepit former Monterey Jazz Club — a long-vacant building that the Elicker administration tried to buy two years ago, but that still remains rundown and under megalandlord ownership.